Thursday, January 10, 2013

CELEBRATING: OWH reaches 2 MILLION card mark!

Sandy Allnock, president of Operation Write Home, just announced that OWH hit TWO MILLION CARDS! That's two million handmade cards shipped to our troops deployed in combat zones for them to write home on! Sandy made the announcement along with this fantastic new song and touching slideshow! Wow! Way to go, Sandy and OWH'ers everywhere! I can't even really wrap my brain around a number as huge as two million! I think of all the hard work it took Sandy and our shippers to prepare, sort, pack and ship that many cards. They are my heroes, too! I celebrated by making a card with one of my favorite MelonHeadz digis of a soldier bear. There's no sentiment, so I'm posting it for the Midweek Throwdown Challenge:
I paper-pieced the card with kraft paper and Doodlebug Design, Inc.'s "Boys Only" 6tx6 paper pad. I love that DP, which includes the cool camo that I used. Onward and upward, OWH! God bless our heroes and their families.


Anonymous said...

Isn't it fabulous????? This card is also fabby, Sherry. I love that little guy and your stars and papers are just great. have a great night.

Desert Rose Stamper said...

Wow -- 2 million -- that is a huge goal. Love your little Doodlebug Design - so cute and oh so appropriate. Thanks for sharing.

Diane said...

Love your cute little guy and yellow and blue- the perfect color combo! Isn't it cool to be part of an organization like OWH! I love seeing the tally of cards sent and I love the feedback from the troops and their families! And thank you for always commenting on my posts- it always brings a smile to my face!!